Faith Florez

by Casey Gauntt

in 2022 Recipients

Faith Florez, Jimmy Gauntt 2022 Memorial Award Dinner
Photo by: Steve Cohn (310) 277-2054 © 2022

Major: Narrative Studies
Minor: American Studies and Ethnicity

I was drawn to the University of Southern California and specifically to the Department of English because I was interested in studying literature in historical context. In my sophomore year, I switched over to an interdisciplinary program in the department known as narrative studies, which allowed me to take courses across USC Dornsife departments. My enrollment in American studies and ethnicity courses exposed me to a multitude of professors who work at the intersection of literature and Latinx histories. My time here has allowed me to expand upon my academic interests and explore parts of myself through literary production.

My time at the University of Southern California has set the tone for the rest of my academic path, inspiring my deep commitments to expanding the accessibility of higher education and stretching the canon of literature toward more inclusive ends. This was largely inspired by my interdisciplinary studies across humanities departments within USC Dornsife as well as my time as a program volunteer for the university’s Joint Educational Project, which first sparked my interest in teaching by allowing me to work with students at the Performing Arts Magnet School.

After I graduated in the spring of 2022, I was accepted to Columbia University, where I am currently pursuing my master’s degree in English with an emphasis on cultural studies. I am so grateful for my undergraduate years and all the mentors I met along the way. After graduating from my master’s program, I will pursue my doctorate degree in literature at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

I hope to apply my training to service local community colleges, and I hope to empower a new generation of students to pursue their literary interests. Though I know this career path will come with its own trials, I am excited to be in this line of work because I believe in the transformative capabilities of education and am excited to expose students to literature that resonates with them.

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