Lauryn Jones

by Casey Gauntt

in 2022 Recipients

Lauryn Jones

Major: English
Minor: Songwriting
2022 Jimmy Award Recipient

I was drawn to USC because of the campus’ proximity to my extended family. Although I was born in Inglewood, CA, my family moved to rural Texas when I was young, and I often lost the ability to visit family due to financial struggles. My time at USC was positively supplemented by my ability to visit my family while away from home.

My time at USC as an English literature major and songwriting minor was initially challenging because I felt isolated from my peers. Professor David Roman’s class was transformative, and my remaining time at USC helped solidify my belief in myself to make community with others and try my best academically.

Being a Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow at USC provided me with leadership experience. I mentored a few students applying to fellowships in the years following my cohort. It was impactful for me in that I felt that I could positively impact younger students who had similar aspirations.

I love music, as perhaps is evident given my minor in songwriting. Every week while at USC, usually Fridays, I would update “Lauryn’s Top 10,” a playlist of songs I like. At times, they were new tracks; sometimes, old goodies that have been stuck in my head. It’s really fun to share with friends and look back on an archive of music I enjoyed.

Following graduation from USC, I will pursue my studies as a PhD student in the Cornell University Department of Literatures in English. I am continuing my research on representations of Black joy in the contemporary American literary canon and contemporary popular music here with the aspiration of becoming a professor of American literature one day.

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