by Casey Gauntt

in 2021 Recipients, Jimmy Award Recipients

Max Engel

I started at USC as a Philosophy, Politics, and Law major who didn’t know how to read. While I could follow a narrative, I was never pushed to jump into the hidden oceans of meaning that lie just beneath the surface of every text. I first took the plunge in Professor Heather James’ Thematic Option literature survey, and it only took me one subsequent semester without literature courses to make me realize that I needed to be an English major.

Each new text that I encountered was a fresh surge of dopamine. Every course I took gave me the confidence and skill to dive deeper. The professors who taught me cared so much about what and who they were teaching, which made every class a joy. Receiving the Jimmy Gauntt Memorial Award is such an honor because it confirms that my professors enjoyed having me as a student as much as I enjoyed being in their courses.

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